I encouraged the start of a new street within this back-land site, using this development to set the standard of approach for neighbouring sites, if they were to come forward in the future.
The relationship with the street and the detailing of the built form was of utmost importance. Considering where it started and where it ended, I would say this was a success.

Image sourced from planning application - 21/00074/FUL

Image sourced from planning application - 21/00074/FUL

Image sourced from planning application - 21/00074/FUL

Image sourced from planning application - 21/00074/FUL

Image sourced from planning application - 21/00074/FUL

Image sourced from planning application - 21/00074/FUL

Image sourced from planning application - 21/00074/FUL

Image of completed development - late 2023 sourced from the architects website.