The Urban Design input I provided for the Joyce and Snells regeneration scheme resulted in working on other projects in the surrounding area, such as, Fore Street's Living Room Library, Angel Yard and St. John & St. James Primary Schools' 'School Street'.
Enfield Council secured £2.2 million in funding from the Mayor of London to improve these spaces along and around Fore Street, including:
Upgrading the existing library into Fore Street's Living Room Library, supporting a range of additional community and cultural activities.
Transforming existing underused garages into affordable workspaces - Angel Yard.
New street furniture and artwork to the public realm along Fore Street and in key alleyways.
A clean air route which will include improved air quality outside St. John & St. James Primary School
Enfield Council spoke with stakeholders throughout the preparation of the funding application, and each of these ideas was developed in response to specific local needs and aspirations. Together, they aim to highlight and strengthen the existing identity of Angel Edmonton, while working towards the objectives set out in Enfield's Local Plan.